Language Learning (11)

Someone using a cellphone to take a language training lessons on an app
Business Language

Your e-Learning App Can't Really Teach You a Language

The Rise of Bilingualism in the Global Workplace As globalization continues to reshape the business landscape, the ...

Man sitting in a coffee shop on his laptop taking an online language training course
Language Language Learning

Can Adults Really Learn a Second Language?

“If I'm selling to you, I speak your language; if I'm buying dann mussen Sie Deutsch sprechen” –Willy Brandt The ...

Woman with paper bag over her head feeling awkward about her language training
Language Language Learning

Learning a Second Language is So Awkward

An Unexpected Language-Learning Roadblock I’ve been pretty transparent about my language-learning journey. I started ...

Two men and two women sit at a table and discuss options for language training for business
Business Language

The Problem with Benefits in Corporate America: A Case for Change

Expand Your Benefits Packages As an HR leader, you know that benefits packages can make or break your company's ability ...

Two men giving a high five after a great language training session
Language Language Experiences

There's Power in Praise (Especially to Language Learners)

Language-Learning and Self-Confidence ¡Muy bien! Those words can instantly boost my self-confidence. I am a language ...

Culturally diverse group of coworkers discuss a project
Business Language

The Benefits of Cultural Awareness in the Workplace

The Importance of Cultural Awareness Cultural awareness is a crucial component of modern workplaces. As the world ...