We Speak Your Language

Ukrainian children learning English through international language programs
Language Learning Ukraine

Empowering Education Amidst Adversity: English4Ukraine

The Story of English4Ukraine In a world rife with challenges, an innate human spirit often emerges to rise above ...

Group of men and women around a conference table looking at a laptop. They're able to collaborate on a project because of a workplace language program.
Business Language

The Changing Landscape of Work

The Critical Role of Immigrants in the Workforce The workplace is undergoing a profound shift characterized by the ...

Two grey-haired men and women look at a laptop. They are discussing the benefits of language training at an older age.
Language Language Learning

Can You Really Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Who are you calling an old dog?!?  I’m 54, but my gray hair means I’m often mistaken for someone much older.  I’ve been ...

Multi-ethnic millennial group of friends taking a group photo. They've just completed a workplace language training course.
Language Language Learning

Engaging the Gen Z Workforce Through Language Training

In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, one thing is sure: the younger generation is taking center stage. ...

Man wearing headphones taking a virtual language training class with a female language instructor
Language Language Learning

AI Can't Replace Human Language Tutors

In today's rapidly evolving world, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides, transforming how we work, ...

Female teenager by high school lockers as she navigates a new school with her language training
Language Experiences Experiences

US High School Survival Guide for Ex-Pat Parents

High School in the U.S. High school is an exciting time in any teenager's life, but a stressful one even for kids who ...