We Speak Your Language

Group of non-native speaking business people at a conference table discussing DEI initiatives
DE&I Diversity and Inclusion

Empowering Non-Native English Speakers: A Critical DEI Strategy for Business Success

Introduction It’s part of the mission of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs to listen to the experiences ...

A diverse group of coworkers walking outside with coffee discussing intercultural training
Language Learning Cultural Training

Navigating the Expat Life: Tips for Language and Intercultural Training

Embarking on an expat journey can be both exciting and daunting. As someone who has experienced multiple relocations, ...

Filipino accountants doing Japanese language training for business process offshoring assignment
Business Language

How 100 Filipino Accountants Learned Japanese in 9 Months with Enhanced Language Training

A Pandemic-Fueled Language Training Challenge It’s early 2021. We’re still reeling from the pandemic. All over the ...

A woman pulls a wheeled suitcase behind her in an airport as she travels
Language Language Learning

The Benefits of Language and Cultural Training for Aviation Professionals

Personal Experience at the Gate There’s nothing like the feeling of navigating a bustling airport: suitcases rolling in ...

Male language teacher wearing a hat and sunglasses
Language Language Learning

Global LT Teacher Spotlight: Meet Raziq

Meet Raziq It’s time to shine the spotlight on another one of our amazing teachers! Meet Raziq, a language teacher with ...

A group of men and women sit in an office with large windows behind them and discuss business items
Language Learning Cultural Training

Culture and Language Training - Ask the Expert

In today’s globalized world, the importance of cultural and language training in global mobility programs cannot be ...