Even ChatGPT Doesn't Think It's a Reliable Source for Accurate Translations

Blue translate button on a keyboard highlighting the significance of using humans for document translation

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As a marketer, I love using AI to generate content ideas, such as blog posts and social content. Since it’s open source, I’m a little skeptical about its accuracy, so I cherry-pick what I like and don’t and then verify (again… and again…) for accuracy.   

As a marketer, I’m also hyper-concerned about brand perception, especially regarding proprietary or confidential company information. Translating marketing material with AI is one thing, but translating user guides or onboarding material seems too high a risk to trust with a bot.  

So I did what any curious marketer would do in my situation: I asked ChatGPT why Fortune 500 companies in the US shouldn’t trust AI for translations. Here’s what it responded with. 

Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies in the United States should exercise caution when using AI to translate training materials for several reasons: 

  1. Accuracy: While AI translation technology has improved significantly, it may still produce inaccuracies, especially with nuanced or technical content. Training materials often contain specific terminology or industry jargon that AI may not accurately translate, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. 
  2. Confidentiality: Training materials may contain sensitive information about company policies, procedures, or proprietary technology. Using AI translation services may pose a risk to the confidentiality of this information, especially if the service provider does not have robust security measures in place.
  3. Legal Compliance: Certain industries, such as healthcare or finance, are subject to strict regulations regarding the protection of customer data and the accuracy of information. Using AI translation without ensuring compliance with these regulations could result in legal issues or regulatory fines.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Training materials often include cultural references or context-specific examples that may not translate accurately across languages. AI may struggle to capture these nuances, potentially leading to misunderstandings or offense among employees from different cultural backgrounds.
  5. Quality Control: AI translation outputs may vary in quality depending on the language pair and the complexity of the content. Without human oversight and quality control processes in place, there is a risk that translated training materials may contain errors or inconsistencies.
  6. Employee Management: Effective training relies not only on the accuracy of the content but also on its clarity and engagement. Poorly translated materials may fail to resonate with employees, leading to disengagement and reduced learning outcomes. 

While AI can be a valuable tool for translating certain types of content, such as customer support inquiries or website content, companies should carefully consider the potential risks and limitations before using it for training materials. Investing in professional human translators or bilingual subject matter experts may offer a more reliable and culturally sensitive approach to translating training content. 

There you have it, folks. If you need accurate translations for your most sensitive corporate content, rely on trustworthy translators like Global LT.  

We can translate anything into any language. Our network of translators are experts in language, cultural nuances, branded lingo, and private and sensitive information.  

Interested in learning more? We’re ready to get started when you are. Just fill out this form to get started.  

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