Infographic: Demographics & Language Growth

Based on demographic data from the World Health Organization, the following languages will see exponential growth in the next decade. 

Mandarin Chinese: With over 1.3 billion speakers already, Mandarin Chinese is predicted to continue growing due to China's rapidly expanding economy and population.
Spanish is already the second most widely spoken language in the world, and it is projected to continue growing, particularly in Latin America and the United States.
Hindi: With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India is projected to become the world's most populous country by 2027, and Hindi is India's most widely spoken language.
Arabic is spoken by over 420 million people worldwide and is the official language of over 20 countries. It is projected to continue growing due to population growth in the Middle East and North Africa.
Bengali: Bengali is spoken by over 250 million people worldwide, primarily in India and Bangladesh, and is projected to continue growing due to population growth in these countries.
It's worth noting that other languages, such as Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili, are also projected to see significant growth in native speakers over the next decade.

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